Thursday, December 26, 2013

Well the latest LIMU update 12-27-13

Hi everyone,
So here was my experience with the LIMU company..
I signed up, I did get my first customer from the person who signed me up,
As far as getting out and getting my own customers? That did not happen, I tried for 2 months... but because LIMU is so expensive and you cannot order less than 130$ per month in product I could not keep going. I received 1 20$ check from LIMU, I guess from my one customer (oh and a friend did a one time purchase of 200$+ in product). I was told that I was on a wonderful team, however the only help I received was from the friend that signed me up.... And the most help of that was many daily text asking if I talked to anyone about LIMU. Which I did, talked so much about LIMU that my friend and family started to block my calls!! LOL. I posted on FB daily... no response.. They say you don't have to know people to earn money but its not true!! If you do not know people that have 500$ ready to toss away on an investment then go for it! I did not get my 200$ bonus because I was not fast enough in signing up customers... My friends and family kept saying they wanted to see how I would do first, and its a good thing they did! My HONEST opinion? IT IS A WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME! I drank LIMU every day and there was no miracle about it! I am pretty healthy to begin with so.... I am not saying that it does not work... but I am saying be careful to who you listen to about this product working! The more money that person makes from LIMU the more they will swear by it (of course). I stopped drinking LIMU and felt the same as before and during and after! I tried to get help from my team, but it didn't happen..... They will tell you that you need to find your own people to sign up and they will talk to them for you! I was calling family I had in other states! Just to find out that there are other products that work the same as LIMU... the trips, the money, the promises, the BMW!!! LIMU is not the first company to use this system. All LIMU is, is a current fad.... I wish I would have saved my 700-800$ that ended up going to this company in 2 months time.. But you live and you learn!! When I called the customer service number they were great! They did cancel my account immediately and I had no problems with them charging me any further! So that was a relief! They were very nice to me also. I cannot say this is a scam... its just another company. They want to convince you that its different, but it really isn't... Maybe fucoidan really is a super nutrient... but I do NOT believe it is worth the hundreds of dollars...
Also, a funny story:
I brought my family to this big LIMU meeting at this big nice house with so many people there to hear about LIMU! (of course this was the day I signed up..) This guy got up there really convincing all of us how great it is and why! He was a great speaker... He went into the payments, how LIMU pays you soo well... He was telling us how him and his wife were at 100k and will be at 200k soon (which I'm sure they are now.) Well supposedly when your at 100k your bringing in 18k-30k a month in income??  I wont disclose jobs... but him and his wife probably average 30k-40k a year? Any who.... if your making that kind of money a month wouldn't you quit your job and do LIMU full time??? Hell Yeah you would!! But they didn't... couldn't... No one asked why? No one asked why haven't you quick the day to day work, that's what every person in this world strives for, is to be their own boss... He also said they had reached that in as little as 6-7 mths... Looking back on it, I feel like they pulled on over on me.... I even told my friend that I was going to wait, but she kept pushing me and convinced me why I needed to sign up THAT DAY. So I went ahead and did it... Just to find out that I was "used" for a push party... A push party is where everyone gets together and all the LIMU's chip in to get one member to a 5k or 20k... or whatever. So I guess my 500$ helped someone get their BMW. About a month later... while I'm struggling to make my money back, my friend calls me to see if my mom wanted to sign up yet (she said she was going to but had to wait to get her paycheck). Well I told her, no not yet... She tells me that she's at the 'push party' and one of the guys on our team says he will put 200$ towards my mom's 500$ sign on fee, and she would be signing up under me as my customer, so of course I would benefit too.. I was thinking, 'wow really? that would be great! I'll let her know!' Then she says... 'He said when you get your 200$ bonus you can pay him back, but if not its whatever'. This really offended me! I was thinking, 'so you just offered for me to pay MY 200$ bonus (which I really needed since I was striving to make back my 500$) for my mom to sign up, to benefit someone at a push party.. Well that was not going to help me at all! That would actually put me under, because without that bonus it takes much longer to make back that 500... So my mom did not sign up.. And while I was struggling, no one on my time offered to throw any push party to get me to even 5k.... let alone 20k...
So when I called and quit LIMU, guess how many called me to see why? Why did you disappear, what's going on? NO ONE. My so called 'TEAM' didn't even notice... but that's because they already benefited from my 500$ sign on... You don't really make anything from the monthly reoccurring fee's... I am not even sure if my friend is still in LIMU... I never see her post anymore.. Honestly I was kind of disappointed, because we used to be good friend in high school, and she contacted me about LIMU. I was more interested in reconnecting our friendship (since my 2 best friends moved thousands of miles away.) I was hoping that our hanging out and talking wasn't just to get me in LIMU, but that she also wanted to reconnect. (especially since we both have toddlers only months apart). Well, we did not get together if it was not LIMU related, and I stopped hearing from her altogether... So that's how that goes....
One last thing before my rant is over..
The FREE BMW! (when you hit 20k) Turns out it is not free at all (who knew?). They give you a 600$ bonus to go toward you down payment of a BMW which is in your name and you pay each month. (I believe you get 300$ per month (I don't remember the exact amount) to cover your monthly note, regardless of your note. If you quit LIMU or not reaching 20k each month you will pay out of pocket. (that's right another thing I learned after I already signed up, you do not stay at your rank, it stars over each month).
Any how............
If you looking to sign up with LIMU, I DEFINATLEY suggest to watch a few friends for a couple of months to see if they succeed or not. If they do succeed, then make sure you pay close attention to how, how much work goes into it, if you really have the time, money and means. Find out how much are they really making, ect.
Well there you go, my honest LIMU experience! Hope this was helpful!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello. I have been searching the web, trying to figure out why I felt nothing from Limu. I found your blog! They lady I bought from is very nice and I feel bad not reordering, but after two bottle I feel not one bit better. I know that they want people to use it for 90 days but everything I read has people feeling something before that. I just can't see spending so much money when I feel nothing. I do have health problems, including thyroid. Thank you for your honest blog. I think it must help some people, but I just don't think one thing can be the answer for everyone.

  3. I am soooooo glad I read this!!!! My friend keeps trying to get me to sign up...that's all she talks about now...very glad I read this first!!!

  4. My friend is totally into the "LIMU Life" and keeps trying to get our friends to sign up. He says that he's not selling the product, he's just "promoting it". Basically, his goal is just to recruit people to sign up under him and some of my friends are falling for his sales pitch. I feel really bad for them because I know they don't make a lot of money and they have bills to pay, so dishing out $499 or $130 a month is a stretch. And what really concerns me is that none of them have done research on the product and the company before signing up. Because I know the "sales pitch" only focuses on one side, and of course, it's only going to be the stuff that would make it appealing to others so they'll sign up. I'm not saying you can't be successful, but you have to be one heck of a sales person and know a lot of people to make this the success that the company claims you can have. And in the end, if the people you sign up are your friends and family and they don't have any success and are out a lot of money, you are left with no friends and angry family members. I've also told my friends that are in LIMU to at least tell people that are interested in the product to consult their doctor if they have high blood pressure, thyroid problems and/or a heart condition before they take it. I mean, if it were me and someone got sick or worse, I would feel so much guilt for at least informing them of the possible risk. But my friends don't care and they don't believe me - because they drank the Kool-Aid (or in this case, the Blufrog) and have been completely brainwashed by whoever recruited them. Oh, and also, one of the guys that is a "promoter" told my boyfriend, "If we didn't have a product then what we're doing would be illegal, so we have to have the product." Right there, that comment raises all kinds of red flags!

    I'm not saying that people should or should not do it. I just think people should do their research so they can weigh the pros and cons and make an educated decision on whether or not they can dedicate the time and money into a venture like this and be successful at it.

    I'm sorry it didn't work out for you and I hope your Mom is doing better. I'm glad you did this blog though. I think it will be very helpful to people that are thinking about joining the "LIMU Life".
